It has been sometime since I have taken the time to update my life on the World Wide Blogsphere. In an effort to boil down everything that has happened since my last update I think I will go for a Whitman-esque list.
August- Moved to e new house in Waldo. New Roomie is my Sweet Cousin Janna. The house belongs to my awesome cousin Jesse who lives in Cali. Janna is Jesse’s baby sister. My baby brother lived here for several years, but he went away to college. I am working on things like painting on my days off. Fall Semester began.
Skip forward in time- Classes are hard, took an English Lit Class, History of Urban Planning and Design, Spanish 1, and Geology Lab. Worked real hard all semester, until finals weeks when I realized I did not need to have an A+ in every class. Still got 2 A’s and 2 B+’s ☺
Christmas was beautiful! Tree and decorations and food and family. Figured out my spring class schedule and was released form Academic probation carrying a 2.9 GPA huge achievement considering it was like .5 when I first went back to school.
Lots of moves watched, lots of books read, tons of meals cooked and and meals in restaurants. Had lots of friends visit, Heather, Kelly, Joe & Phil, Angie, Summer all made appearances at one time or another, and spent several afternoons/evenings in Lawrence with Dear friends Meryl and Blaine and their soon to be born Pea-Pod (he got the most excellent Little Giraffe Blanket from his “Uncle Aaron”
The nieces are growing up fast, so fast I can hardly believe it, my godson is also growing at an exponential rate- cant barely believe how big he is, we are still best buds, but he has a new buddy named Bobby who he totally adores and who loves him and his momma a bunch. I had a great time getting to know him and hope he sticks around for a bit.
What else---This semester started with a bang! First day of classes was today and there was like 7” of snow on the ground, resulting in school closing for the first time in forever. So on Wednesday we will try again! This semester is a full one, 14 hours of classes but not working as much.
SO there is the last few months in review, Soon I hope to be back on a regular blogging schedule. *Fingers crossed *.